Springs Ecosystem Science: 2018 Symposium
hosted by the Springs Stewardship Institute and the National Park Service
A 2-day symposium on springs ecosystems and related science and management themes.
Leopard Frog Marsh, Glen Canyon NRA
The symposium kicked off with a social mixer on the night of June 4th and continued with presentations on the 5th and 6th. View the program here. We are currently accepting papers derived from talks to include in a proceedings volume. Submitted presentations are below.
Contributed Presentations
Bailard, Jennifer. National Park Service, Mojave Desert Network Inventory and Monitoring Program. NPS Springs Monitoring Protocols
Abstract PresentationBerg, David, Adams, N., Inoue, K., and Walters, A.D. Miami University, Miami University, University of Southern California, and Texas A&M University. Using Phylogeography to Inform Conservation of Desert Spring Invertebrates
AbstractBeverly, Gary. Sierra Club and Citizens’ Water Advocacy Group. Values, Threats, and Solutions to Protect the Verde
Abstract PresentationBrick, Greg. Minnesota Department of Natural Resources. Spring-Hunting Strategy and the Diversity of Springs in Minnesota
Abstract PresentationCarothers, Steven W. Museum of Northern Arizona. Consequences of Tamarisk Leaf Bettle (Diorhabda spp.) Biocontrol in Southwestern Spring and Streamside Riparian Habitats
AbstractDepew, Jeff. EarthDesigns, LLC. Using Citizen Science, Education, and Community Involvement to Preserve, Protect, and Restore Springs and Wetlands of the Southwest
Abstract PresentationDonnelly, Patrick. Center for Biological Diversity, Las Vegas, Nevada. Defending Groundwater Dependent Ecosystems: 2 Case Studies
AbstractDwire, Kate. USDA Forest Service Rocky Mountain Research Station. An Overview of the GDE Method with Case Studies in Utah, Wyoming, and Colorado
AbstractFreed, Zach, Aldous, A., and Gannet, M. The Nature Conservancy, Bend Oregon, The Nature Conservancy, Portland, Oregon, and U.S. Geologic Survey Oregon Water Science Center. Springs in the Crooked River Basin, Oregon: Hydrogeologic Setting, Ecology, and Management
AbstractFuchs, Louise, Stevens, L.E., and Fule, P.Z. Univesity of Perpignan, France, Springs Stewardship Institute, Museum of Northern Arizona, and Northern Arizona University. Quantifying the Effect of Springs on Tree Growth
AbstractHoglander, Cerissa. Grand Canyon Trust. Collaborative Springs Restoration Case Study on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon
AbstractJeffres, Carson A., Nichols, A.L., Lusardi, R.A., Deas, M.L., Mount, J.F., Moyle, P.B., and Dahlgren, R.A. University of California, Center for Watershed Sciences, Watercourse Engineering, Inc. and Public Policy Institute of California. Geologic Subsidies Drive High Productivity in Volcanic Spring-Fed Stream
AbstractJenness, Jeff and Stevens, Larry. Spring Stewardship Institute, Museum of Northern Arizona. Springs and Springs Dependent Species of the Colorado River Basin
Abstract PresentationJohnson, Hank. U.S. Geological Survey, Oregon Water Science Center. Hydrogeology of Springs in the Northern Great Basin in Oregon
Abstract PresentationKreamer, David K. Department of Geoscience, University of Nevada, Las Vegas. The Invisible Pulses and Pathways for Ecosystem Health - Inconstant Groundwater Flow, Ephemeral Research Funding, and Fluctuating Public Perceptions
Abstract PresentationLarsen, Randy. Brigham Young University. Wildlife Interactions at Great Basin Springs
AbstractLedbetter, Jeri. Spring Stewardship Institute, Museum of Northern Arizona. Pitfalls, Potholes, and Re-invented Wheels on the Road to Springs Information Management
AbstractMisztal, Louise, Hammer, S., O’Connor, R., and Hullinger, A. Sky Island Alliance, Sky Island Alliance, AMP Insights, and UA Water Resources Research Center. Developing Tools to Secure Water for Springs in the Sky Islands
AbstractNorth, Eric G. and Stevens, Lawrence E. All Things Wild Consulting and Spring Stewardship Institute, Museum of Northern Arizona. Terrestrial Gastropod Biogeography in the Grand Canyon Ecoregion, Southwestern USA
AbstractRink, Glenn. FarOut Botany and Museum of Northern Arizona. Failings in Navajo Sedge Monitoring and Recovery
Abstract PresentationSada, Donald W. and Lutz, Alexandra D. Desert Research Institute, Reno, Nevada. Environmental Characteristics of Great Basin and Mojave Desert Spring Systems
AbstractSchenk, Edward R. Spring Stewarship Institute, Museum of Northern Arizona. Springs Flow Restoring Surface Water Features Post Disturbance - Shinumo Creek, Grand Canyon
AbstractSinclair, David A., Springer, A.E., and Stevens, L.E. School of Earth Sciences and Sustainability, Northern Arizona University, School of Earth Sciences and Sustainability, Northern Arizona University, and Spring Stewardship Institute, Museum of Northern Arizona. Geomorphological Influences on Physical and Biological Characteristics of Springs Ecosystems, Grand Canyon Ecoregion, Southwestern USA
AbstractSpence, John. National Park Service, Glen Canyon Recreation Area. Bryophytes Associated with Springs in the American Southwest
Abstract PresentationSpringer, Abraham E. School of Earth Sciences and Sustainability, Northern Arizona University. Landscape Conservation Planning for Springs Management and Restoration
AbstractStevens, Larry. Spring Stewardship Institute, Museum of Northern Arizona. Keynote Address
Abstract PresentationStevens, Larry. Spring Stewardship Institute, Museum of Northern Arizona. The Global Demise of Springs Ecosystems: Whose to Blame?
Abstract PresentationWalters, Ashley D., and Berg, David J. Department of Biology, Miami University. Genetic Population Structure in an Arid Landscape: A Comparative Study of Chihuahuan Desert Invertebrates
AbstractWilbor, Scott, Hammer, S., and Bethel, M. Sky Island Alliance. Citizen Monitoring of Springs Value to Wildlife in Madrean Landscape Linkages and Other Focal Areas
Abstract Presentation
For more information please contact the Springs Stewardship Institute at:
(928) 774-5211 ext. 231 or email Jeri@springstewardship.org